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Nov 3, 20233 min read
Wondering if you're autistic?
We're in the middle of a revolution of our understanding in what it means to be autistic. Whilst previously we've recognised autistics...

Mar 24, 20232 min read
Empowering Others To Make The Shift
Here is a list of resources that I've collected along the way of easy access articles to send to people for reading to support...

Apr 14, 20223 min read
So, someone just told you they're autistic. What next?
You're hearing much more about autism these days because of TikTok and Instagram, but not for the reasons you may think. TikTok and...

Mar 25, 20225 min read
Neurodiversity Affirming Resources
So you want to learn about neurodiversity, how to be a better ally and lean into supporting your child in an affirming way. First of all,...

Dec 19, 20214 min read
Change The Holiday Conversation Around Autistic Children
You've seen the posts. A quick Google search yields me the following results: "How to survive the holiday season" "Avoiding Meltdowns at...

Aug 25, 20214 min read
Balancing the Power of ‘No’
Every child needs to hear the word ‘No’. It’s an important boundary setting tool that children and adults alike need to learn to respect.
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