Why this course? Oh, there are so many buzzwords around being neurodiversity affirming, so much pressure from a marketing and ethical perspective to get it right and well, so little time to do it. What I've done in this course is to focus in on care for autistic clients, whilst acknowledging that neurodiversity is so much more than just autistic people. (Yes, Kassiane, we hear you! And if you don't yet know who Kassiane is, you'll find out about their contributions in this course) In this social justice movement, I want us to take the time. To sit, and go slowly. To not take in information in piece meal concepts from various areas of the Internet, but to go about it in a structured way. I want us to look at where we've gotten it wrong, point out logical fallacies and biases, so that we as healthcare professionals can start to get it right. That matters. I want the clients who we see to feel safe, and receive truly neuroaffirming care. It's the least we could do in our endeavour to correct the iatrogenic harm that has been done through allied health in the past when we didn't know better. Well, now we do. There is a plethora of evidence that gives us the way forward, and I've summarised this here for you. I've taken all the information from the past 5 years, and structured this for your learning, creating frameworks, resources and checklists to help ease that mental load as much as possible, so you can do the work where it really needs to count. Ps. Use code EARLYBIRD24 to access an Early Bird Pricing Discount and get this course for only $500!
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